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 Report Brazilian Journalist Feels Endric

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 16/02/2023 : 09:51:08
Chelsea are in the race for and will fight whichever club decides to try and sign the player for the signature of the Brazilian wonderkid.Endrick is currently at Palmeiras, but is one of the most highly rated Brazilian players to come out of the league since or even He is the youngest player to ever score for his club at 16-years old.A well respected journalist in Brazil has stated that he feels Endrick will eventually end up at Chelsea.Brazilian journalist has recently stated that he feels Endrick will sign for Chelsea. Nicola is well respected inside Brazil as a journalist, and his current feeling is that Chelsea are going to sign Endrick.Scroll to ContinueSpeaking recently, Jorge Nicola had this to say.Nothing concrete yet in regards to Endrick, but positive signs if journalists inside Brazil have some feelings he could sign for Chelsea.The race is far from over, and there could be even more twists in the tale as clubs become more aggre sive in their interest, but at the moment it really seems like Chelsea are the frontrunners in regards to the race for Endrick.Read More Chelsea Stories

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