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 Report Frenkie De Jong To Manchester Uni

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 16/02/2023 : 09:54:54
Frenkie De Jong to Manchester United is looking le s and le s likely by the day, which is good news for those who want Bernardo Silva to stay at Manchester City. Silva is heavily linked with Barcelona, but any move for the player hinges on Frenkie De Jong's potential transfer to Manchester United.Barcelona owe Frenkie De Jong a significant amount in wages, and the Dutch midfielder will not leave the club unle s he is afforded the wages.According to last week, any deal Barcelona expect to do for Bernardo Silva involves Frenkie De Jong moving to Manchester United. United have agreed a fee of75million plus10million add-ons for Frenkie.Scroll to ContinueBarcelona are expected to use this money towards a deal for Bernardo, and reportedly have a fee below80million agreed for the midfielder. Barca are expected to lodge the bid officially if Frenkie leaves, but in recent days that looks le s and le s likely.Frenkie has joined Barca on their US tour, and Oriol Domenech stated today that De Jong will not join Manchester United.City fans will be hoping Manchester United fail to sign De Jong and look elsewhere, as Bernardo Silva is a player they can't afford to lose. Read More Manchester City Coverage

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