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 Report Cristiano Ronaldo Wants Atletico

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 16/02/2023 : 10:08:46
According to a report, Cristiano Ronaldo wants to move to Atletico Madrid, amid rumours that he is keen on leaving the club.Initially, it was expected that the 37 year old would stay at Old Trafford this summer. However, it is said that he wants to leave the club in search of Champions League football and a more ambitious club in the transfer market.Previously, clubs such as Chelsea Bayern Munich have seen most of the links with the player. However, Atletico Madrid have now entered the scene if a report by journalists Manu Sainz and Jesus Colino (Via ) is to be believed.According to them, manager of the Spanish giants Diego Simeone is a huge fan of the superstar and sees in him the same opportunity that he saw when he signed Luis Suarez from Barcelona, but with a greater impact.Allegedly, Ronaldo himself looks favourably towards the potential opportunity of moving to the city rivals of his old team Real Madrid, as it would allow him to compete for titles and play in the Champions League - something that is not the case at United.The report also states that there has even been contact on the club's side with The Red Devils. But, Atletico cannot afford such a transfer at this moment in time. It is said that they need 40million Euros in sales, but for this deal to go through it would need to be more.Read More Manchester United Coverage:Follow The Utd Transfer Room: | Facebook & Instagram Coming Soon

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