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 Maplestory 2 The Marvel Machine is Back

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
Sletrry Inviata - 29/01/2019 : 09:36:59
Are you among these folks hooked on the grind? Just can not stop playing until you are the very best there is? Is Maplestory 2 Mesos concurrently lovelife, and also the potential cause of your death? One of the best barometers of your achievement is by power leveling your way into the max, and of course, this is equally a lot easier (and less traumatizing) should you have a target in sight.

You'll be pleased to know that not merely is a response set up, but it has only recently been raised, meaning that you'll have an opportunity to get on it before the huddled masses. As of the update on July 24, the max level cap was expanded to 150. This was along with adding a new world, new dungeon, and obviously fresh new accomplishments to coincide with all the new maximum level cap.

Inevitably, the maximum level cap is due to change again within time, and since MapleStory 2's popularity spreads farther and further due to its long-awaited launch on mobile platforms, you can expect to find that number raised even further as more people hit the level cap and are desperate to get more achievements to chase down.

MapleStory 2 has a frequent maintenance program due to the heavy user base, and it occasionally goes down for unscheduled maintenance, also. Make sure you keep an eye on the societal networking stations for patch notes after to learn of any changes to the level cap. Additionally, there are times when you can get candies in-game items for logging shortly after maintenance!

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