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 have any of you used a bitcoin mixer before for an

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
carlredford Inviata - 29/03/2023 : 18:10:30
Hey guys, have any of you used a bitcoin mixer before for anonymous transactions? I've been doing some research on how to improve my privacy when using cryptocurrencies, and I'm curious about how effective these mixers are.
2   U L T I M E      R I S P O S T E    (Ultimi inserimenti)
maxfalton80 Inviata - 29/03/2023 : 18:32:12
I haven't personally used a mixer, but I've read some concerns about the legality of using them. Some countries have laws against money laundering and using mixers could potentially be seen as an attempt to conceal the source of funds. So while it may provide anonymity, there are potential legal risks to consider as well.
jimclatone Inviata - 29/03/2023 : 18:18:53
I've actually used a bitcoin mixer before, and it definitely helped me stay anonymous. Basically, a mixer takes your bitcoin and mixes it with other people's bitcoin, so that it becomes harder to trace back to you. However, it's important to choose a reputable mixer and take precautions to protect your identity, such as using a VPN or Tor when accessing the mixer website.

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