Messaggi 3 |
Spedito - 03/12/2018 : 04:13:28
I am not overly upset about buy fortnite items this, mainly since I hate Fortnite, which feels just like a cluttered combination of game types throw to a cartoonish world that lacks some real personality. Like, do I really need to play with a battleroyale game sanitized for tweens then raked over the Minecraft coals? **** no.
But goddamn I will fight for those annoying little twerps to perform together and carry all of the dumb loot they accrue in their accounts from 1 system to another.
I'm not the only one to think Sony's being obnoxious. Framing it as a slight against the precious kids, Spencer laid out a scenario to Giant Bomb, stating:"When you bought your son, your child, an Xbox, and I purchased my kid a PlayStation -- and now I'm just a parent, it is their birthday, whatever -- and the kids want to go play Fortnite and they all of a sudden go home and can not play with one another." He added,"It does not feel as it helps the consumers."
Obviously it doesn't! Sony isn't attempting to help the children, or the parents spending a bit on consoles. And Microsoft's framing of the problem as a little against consumers is not new. The company said something similar when it spoke about courting Sony for crossplay back in August.
There are three different things going on
"In fairness, there are 3 different things going on. You have businesses like mine that promote cross-play and enable cross-play. You have a programmer and articles owner that wants cross-play and can be encouraging cross-play, and then you have another platform holders and exactly what it is they do. And when it comes to other system holders, as far as you have influence on additional stage holders, I do not. And that's a choice that each one of them are creating, and some are encouraging cross-play and some are not."
Sony itself was kind of dickish about its refusal to play fine. It finally gave BBC an announcement about the matter yesterday. Buy fortnite items |