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Inviata - 20/08/2021 : 10:33:22 PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a relatively new concept in gynecology that uses each patient's own plasma for therapeutic purposes. It is this plasma enriched with growth factors (PDGF, TGF-B, IGF, EGF, VEGF) and platelets that, once injected into the patient through chemotaxis, attracts STEM cells to the injection site, stimulating the regeneration of the area or its repair with its own cells.
What are the recommended pathologies?
The use of PRP is used in various gynecological pathologies such as: - much faster re-epithelialization in cervical ectopy. - treatment of vulvar dystrophies - lichen scleros, kraurozis vulvar with exceptional results in early stages - gynecological wounds - reduces the rate of infection, necrosis and dehiscence especially in certain risk patient groups or certain surgical procedures - treatment of fistulas - treatment of minor urinary incontinence - in old perineal ruptures treated surgically with vaginal meals to which PRP / PRP gel or PRF are added, with significantly better functional results - recurrent vagilae infections - vulvovaginitis and recurrent urinary tract infections - chronic endometritis - non-infectious cystitis, post-coital cystitis - menopausal vaginal atrophy and urogenital syndrome - increased endometrial quality and spontaneous pregnancy rate through IVF - In reproductive medicine, there are centers that use PRP for premature ovarian failure, ovarian torsion , etc.
The use of PRP in aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology
- Treatment of anorgasmia in women, improvement of orgasm by injection into the clitoris - O-shot or G-spot - G-shot. - Treatment of discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse in certain women - Treatment of postpartum scars - Regulation of vaginal flora and biocenosis in inflammatory recurrences many resistant to classical treatment - ascites vaginoplasty or labiaplasty procedures for better scar quality - enlargement of the lips, their wrinkled appearance, labial asymmetries
How many sessions are needed For different applications there is a recommended number of sessions, which are performed at intervals of 4-6 weeks. There are well-defined protocols for each indication. The procedure is performed comfortably in the office and is painless.
What does the procedure involve The patient presents to the doctor's office where her blood is collected as usual for each laboratory analysis using special PRP tubes The blood thus obtained is centrifuged with a specific protocol such as duration and rotation, and then the resulting plasma is injected by the physician at the target sites.
Rules before the procedure - Stop the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs 7 days before - Stop administration of corticosteroids and prednisone 3 weeks before - Stop administration of anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs 7 days before - Stop administration of tea, cola or coffee 48 hours before - the patient should not be a blood donor 4-6 weeks before the procedure - 36-48 hours before the procedure Water diet 3 l of water per day, without fat - Blood count and vitamin D dosage before the procedure - Discontinuation of any supplements before 7 days - multivitamins, fish oil, etc.
Rules to be followed after the procedure - Discontinuation of corticosteroids or prednisone for up to 4 weeks after the procedure - In case of pain, paracetamol is given if available, except non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 7 days after the procedure (ideally up to 12 weeks) - in 1 in 10 patients, a "flare" reaction occurs on the day of the procedure, resulting in acute pain - the reaction occurs in maximum 6-8 weeks - ice can be applied every 3 hours for 20 minutes
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