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 Chanel Mademoiselle J12 La Pausa Only Watch

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
maradiliko Inviata - 03/08/2023 : 09:15:06
To the Only Check out 2023 Charitable trust Auction, CHANEL is offering some sort of duo for Chanel Mademoiselle J12 CHICAGO PAUSA designer watches, in white or black highly immune ceramic.

As its beginning in 2100, the J12 watch possesses broken the very codes and even revolutionized the field of watchmaking, to get the first star of the twenty first century.
Encouraged by a image of Mademoiselle Chanel ingested in her back garden at Chicago Pausa, their vacation property or home in the southern region of England, the presentation created for Chanel Mademoiselle J12 LA CALMA watches Mainly Watch 2023 features him / her silhouette covered in a removed jersey together with button-front jeans.

The shape is branded on a sapphire crystal menu and fitted to the face in ebony or white-lacquered dial based on the type.
These wrist watches come put on a dark colored or bright ceramic event measuring 38mm in height. Each see is equipped with the main self-winding Grade 12. one particular movement designed and manufactured by the Make Kenissi, co-owned by CHANEL.

The activity can be seen through the sapphire very caseback personalized “Pièce exclusive. Only Sit back and watch 2023. Mademoiselle J12”. All these unique Chanel Mademoiselle J12 LA INTERVALO watches Basically Watch 2023 watches is sold with in a remarkably resistant porcelain bracelet about matching coloring.

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