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 Cam Darnold?Sam Darnold might not be the best rush

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
seestyle Inviata - 14/08/2022 : 05:08:07
Cam Darnold?Sam Darnold might not be the best rushing quarterback in NFL history, but he now has a mark that stands alone. Darnold rushed for a pair of scores on Sunday against the Cowboys, which makes him the first quarterback to rush for five TDs in the first four games of the season, .The performance is evoking memories of Cam Newton, whose 70 rushing touchdowns are the most by any primary QB in NFL history.Cam Newton first four Panthers starts: 4 rushing TDsSam Darnold first four Panthers starts: 5 rushing TDs. SN's Vinnie Iyer (@vinnieiyer) MORE: Darnold tied up the game at seven with 2:41 left in the first quarter when he ran into the end zone from a yard out to make it a 7-7 game.Touchdown Sam Darnold!!!: FOX Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) The next drive, he again disappointed fantasy owners of Chuba Hubbard when he ran up the middle for an 11-yard score.ANOTHER Sam Darnold touchdown!!!: FOX Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) By halftime, Darnold had rushed four times for 28 yards, which tied his personal-best third-most rushing yard recordin a single game.MORE: Darnold hasn't exactly been a burner this season. Entering the game, he had rushed for 17 yards on 14 carries with three touchdowns. Among QBs that had scored at least three times on the ground in the first three weeks of the season, Darnold's 17 yards were the third-fewest, trailing only Jack Kemp (-4 yards) andJim Finks (15), .And his speed isn't what one would expect out of a particularly fast quarterback. He clocked in at 4.85 in the 40-yard dash back in the 2018 NFL Combine, . For reference, Cam Newton ran a 4.56 time.MORE: Darnold has continued to enjoy a career renai sance in Carolina. On top of his league-leading rushing touchdowns, Darnold also has a career-high 68.2 percent completion percentage, three pa sing touchdowns, only one interception and 888 pa sing yards through his first three games.

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