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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
ugabicatymolimadovywoni Inviata - 24/03/2022 : 15:56:24
TDI (toluene diisocyanate) is a commonly used polyisocyanate, which is a kind of polyurethane (PU)
It is an important basic raw material. TDI is a mixture of two isomers, 2,4-TDI and
2,6-TDI, usually used in polyurethane industry, includes three common grades: tdi-80 / 20,
Tdi-100 and tdi-65 / 35. The preceding figures represent the content of 2,4-TDI in the composition.
For example, 80 in tdi-80 / 20 represents 2,4-TDI (80%) and 2,6-TDI (20%). 100 in tdi-100 is
It is basically 2,4-TDI (about 98%), and there are few isomers of 2,6-TDI. Mainly used for production
Flexible polyurethane foam and polyurethane elastomers, coatings, adhesives and so on.

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