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 electric wheel drives

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
aqabymebobesozoxaxylixecuhekadezire Inviata - 24/05/2024 : 16:06:07
Elite HFTE planetary drives incorporate an integrated, maintenance-free electric motor and offer significant benefits, including compact dimensions, low noise and high efficiency. HFTE Series drives are designed for use with all kinds of aerial platforms and other types of mobile machinery, for indoor and outdoor use. This advanced powertrain solution uses a two- or three-stage gearbox offering reduction ratios of up to 1:153 to satisfy the widest possible range of needs. The gearbox is coupled with a low-voltage induction motor (BT Series), specially developed for traction power and control applications.
Key features
Two- or three-stage planetary drive with reduction ratios of up to 1:153
Optimized gear design for maximum efficiency and minimum noise
Integrated, low voltage, 3 phase induction motor with inverter
Integrated, high accuracy, KTY temperature sensor
High resolution, Hall effect speed sensor
Torque range
1000 ... 24,000 Nm

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