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 Replacement Tire For Electric Scooter

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
avefomujaturufolozykojunyr Inviata - 24/05/2024 : 16:08:45
The light elastic tire is made of a new light elastic polymer material (hereinafter referred to as LCRB). The elasticity of LCRB is 20% higher than that of ordinary rubber, and its weight is 30% lighter than that of ordinary rubber. It also has good stability and aging resistance. It is resistant to ozone, acid rain and ultraviolet light, and is not easy to crack naturally. It is suitable for complex use environments. It has a certain resilience when it is hit during use to reduce damage to the hub and better filter vibration to achieve riding comfort. The material can be recycled, which solves the disadvantage of non-recyclable use of traditional rubber, and greatly improves the utilization efficiency of the material.

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