Browns fans and players braved severe weather to attend Sunday's game against the Texans.Rain, hail and wind pelted fans at FirstEnergy Stadium during the national anthem, delaying the start of the game about 40 minutes.Check out this shocking videoof the social-distanced fans in the stands:It aint even that bad nino (@GodNino) MORE:The pre-game weather was wild Cleveland Browns ( @Browns) Both teams were told to go back to their locker rooms and fans in attendance were told to leave their seats and seek shelter.Ok so I told you. Summer has turned to winter at FirstEnergy. Its hailing and windy as hell. Welcome back Nick Chubb Mary Kay Cabot (@MaryKayCabot) Amazingly, the storm pa sed quickly and the skies cleared (but the wind remained) about halfway through the first quarter.Beautiful blue skies now at FirstEnergy Stadium Mary Kay Cabot (@MaryKayCabot)