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 Ferro Silicon
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Spedito - 29/05/2024 :  16:05:14  Mostra profilo  Rispondi allegando il testo
Ferrosilicon is an iron alloy composed of iron and silicon. Ferrosilicon is a silicon alloy made of coke, steel dandruff, and quartz (or silicon) as raw materials. Because silicon and oxygen are easy to synthesize silicon, Ferrosilicon is often used as a deciduous agent when steelmaking. At the same time, it is also beneficial to improve the temperature of the steel water at the same time as the deoxidation. At the same time, Ferrosilicon can also be used as alloy elements. It is widely used in low alloy structure steel, spring steel, bearings steel, heat-resistant steel, and electrical silicon steel. Ferrosilicon is often a reducing agent in the iron alloy and chemical industry.
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